function ADMINajax(datas){ return jQuery.ajax({ url: '/modules/SP_News/lib/ajax.php', //URL or the php script data: datas, type: 'POST', async: false, cache: false, timeout: 30000 }).responseText; } jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Post Delete //////////////////////////// jQuery(document).on('click', '.post_delete', function() { id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); if (confirm('Are you sure you would like to delete this Post?')) { ADMINajax({func : 'deletePOST', pID: id}); jQuery('#SPNp_item_'+id).fadeOut('slow'); jQuery('.SPN-recent-link[href$="php?view='+id+'"]').fadeOut('slow'); } }); // Category Edit/Delete //////////////////////// if (jQuery('#SPNb_avatar_upload').length){ new AjaxUpload('SPNb_avatar_upload', { action: '/modules/SP_News/lib/ajax.php', name: 'imgupload', onSubmit: function(file, ext){ // Allow only images. You should add security check on the server-side. if (ext && /^(jpg|png|jpeg|gif)$/i.test(ext)) { this.setData({ 'func': 'avatar_upload', 'uploadto': '/modules/SP_News/img/avatars/', 'size': '100', 'prefix': 'avatar_' }); } else { return false; } }, onComplete : function(file,response){ if (response == 'error') { alert('error uploading file'); } else { jQuery('#SPNb_avatar_display').text(response); jQuery('#SPNb_avatar').val(response); } } }); } jQuery('.tbox').addClass('form-control'); });